So many questions come in to my office about the state of the world these days and I want to take a minute to let everyone know that there are many, many places and people that are experiencing life at its best – it’s not all doom and gloom. It may be a little harder to find in big cities than small ones, but goodness certainly does exist and lots of it.
Be careful to notice what you are putting your attention on – is it the negative things happening in the world or are you seeking out the positive things happening? You might start right in your own backyard. Find out which events, groups, classes, etc. that are of interest to you and are making positive changes in your own community.
Changing your perspective can be as simple as noticing the bees in your garden and asking yourself if you are contributing or not or even aware of the work the bees are doing. Remember, you are not a flower so bees won’t bite you! We started a honey bee hive and the changes the bees make on your property are amazing. Monarch butterflies are out in the garden also and I have seen others reporting monarchs in their own yards. It’s great to watch the excitement in people when they spot them. That joy goes a long way.
You might think of finding the joy in your own backyards or getting together with others that enjoy similar interests and keep yourself focused on the joys in life… not the negativity.
A little change of perspective can go a long way!
Have a great summer!
In love and light always