November/December 2023

These are the last months of the year and with that, the newsletters will be coming to a close.  Many thanks for taking the time to read them throughout the years and I’m hoping I left some wise words of wisdom that have helped you in your everyday life. You can always go back through them if you like- they can be good reminders. The most important messages I would like

September/October 2023

Two months in one newsletter.  Sorry for the lateness of the message; it’s been a busy month already. Summer will be ending shortly and then here comes Fall. Gathering the goodies from the garden and putting up the berries, fruits, and veggies has been some work. It’s been a pretty good gardening year here on the coast and I’m very grateful for that.  I think of all the work that went

August 2023

So many questions come in to my office about the state of the world these days and I want to take a minute to let everyone know that there are many, many places and people that are experiencing life at its best – it’s not all doom and gloom. It may be a little harder to find in big cities than small ones, but goodness certainly does exist and lots

July 2023

You made it through half the year already. No matter the challenge, you survived and learned a lot. You might take stock in what you learned about yourself these last six months. Allow yourself a big hug, a pat on the back, and tons of credit for how strong, brave, and amazing you really are. You deserve it! Life can throw some unexpected punches our way, yet we are are

June 2023

Father’s Day is here again and it’s a good time to take advantage of the opportunity to do a little healing work…It’s a good time to review your past relationship with your father. Some of your memories might be great, while others may not be. Spend a little time thinking “not so good” one and see if you get triggered by any of them. Those memories are the ones that

May 2023

We are into the month of May already and this is once again the time of new beginnings and a new season is upon us. Spring is here in full bloom.  As nature sheds the heavy winter and moves into the lightness of spring, it’s a great reminder for us to do the same.Can you take the time to let go or shed the old energy from the winter events

April 2023

From a spiritual perspective, Easer is is the celebration of the resurrection or bringing back to life. Another example of this isthe phoenix; it symbolizes hope, rebirth, and transformation. The phoenix can rise from the ashes – which represents the power of transformation. Winter transforms into Spring.  What died in the winter is reborn in the spring.  This month is full of symbolism for all of us. Think of our own

March 2023

Our focus has been “Believe in you” this year.     Last month in believing in you – it was about the power to love – we were able to send love to someone or some event even if it was really difficult – hopefully with practice you were able to send love, because it is who you are. This month if you believe in you  – you may start to

Share Some Love

Here is a simple message for this month:Since Valentine’s Day is already a big part of February, consider extending it a bit and do our best to send out more love than ever this month. Look around and you will see plenty of people needing some extra love; whether it’s in your own backyard or out in the world. We have spare moments – let’s use them to send love

Happy New Year!

First thing to do on January 1, 2023 if you have not done so already is decide that you are going to BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Make that your motto for the new year. I BELIEVE IN ME  That’s the foundation for insuring how your year will turn out. When you believe in you, you are loving yourself. We create great things from the energy of love – it has the power

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