Recently, I stumbled upon the fact that June was named for the Roman goddess Juno – some say the patroness of marriage and well being of women and another in Latin “young people” the month of sunshine and  positive outcomes.   

It was nice to hear something positive about the month as it seems we are on a constant journey of learning lessons and experiencing hardships these days. Maybe this month we can look for the positive outcomes in life, especially when it comes to the men in our lives. We have worked through the emotions and tried to make sense of the experiences we had in the past as best we can and for this month celebrate the men in your life.  Focus on positive outcomes this month and the good Dad memories we have experienced over the years.  It may just bring a smile to your face and fill your heart with love.  

My reminder to you: if you find it difficult to do – think about the fact that  you wouldn’t be here without him.

Wishing you a joyful June with love and kindness to all the Fathers in the world!

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