Something to think about: Have you noticed that your connection with yourself is not the same as before covid or do you notice you are not even connected to yourself at all?
It seems there is so much change in the air and in our personal lives that before we can get a handle one thing … here comes another? Are you finding decisions are harder to make, is there a lot of fear about what to do next, or how to deal with life as the world and our presence in it is changing constantly?
When we are connected to ourselves, life flows so much better. There have been a lot of changes for everyone lately… and I am suggesting that in order to keep our connection to our knowingness , we might take the time to clear out the things that clog us up.
The first one is fear – you can’t make good decisions when it comes from a place of fear. Take some time to look at the fear and release it or resolve it. The second part is to release the fear and confusion from everyone else – with this many people on the planet and we are all going thru changes there is a lot. Tell your body to release those fears also.
Anything you have taken personally or made about you – you can let that go also. All the hardship stories you hear can be released from your body as well.
You are all about love – remember to send people love … and that’s what they need to get through their problems in life.
We all have our own journeys – don’t make their problems yours. Send light out there and hold the good energy for what you are wanting not what you don’t want. The clearer you are the more connected we are to our knowingness is what allows our lives to flow in a positive direction.
Even the leaves on the trees are starting to change. Change is everywhere and going through it allows us to become more enlightened as opposed to resisting it.
Love to everyone!