March 2021

Spring is coming!  It’s a great time of year because we can see new growth all around us.As the trees and garden bulbs start sprouting, we look forward to lots of color with flowers blooming, trees blossoming and even lots of weeds growing and the wildflowers on the side of the roads are already in bloom.   The outside world is a reflection of our personal inner world. Take a

Self Reflection

FEBRUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER Well, we are one month into 2021 and it’s giving us a bit of time to notice where we are heading in this new year.   February will be about the one year mark that our lives have taken some pretty drastic turns from   business as usual for years past, to what life looks like today.  Even if you are still employed, most everything in our world

Shine Light on Your Strength!

To begin this new year, let me say how proud you can be for all your efforts this last year.  I want to take this opportunity to shine a light on all your strength that helped you get through an incredibly challenging year. Not only did we have our own personal growth challenges; we had the addition of the virus to deal with, politics, deaths, and tons of changes in

Celebrating the Season of Love

DECEMBER 2020 NEWSLETTER This is the last newsletter of the year and what a year its been for everyone – no exceptions! We are all dealing with something, many things, multiple things all happening at the same time, without breaks… it just keeps coming. Each of our lives have changed dramatically and in ways we could have never imagined. But here we are…continuing to move forward no matter how difficult

Grateful for it all

NOVEMBER 2020 NEWSLETTEROur lives have been turned upside down and side ways this year, for sure. It’s been a time for major changes in our lives and those didn’t come without their challenges. It’s my suggestion that this month we take inventory of those changes, challenges, and hardships and find what made us stronger. Thanksgiving is the extra special time to recall our blessings, what we are grateful for, and

Rooted in Truth in the Season of Change

OCTOBER 2020 NEWSLETTER Something to think about:  Have you noticed that your connection with yourself is not the same as before covid or do you notice you are not even connected to yourself at all?   It seems there is so much change in the air and in our personal lives that before we can get a handle one thing … here comes another?  Are you finding decisions are harder

Let it go

September 2020 Having a hard time dealing with all the changes in life? You are not alone. I’m hearing everything from I can’t sleep, I’m agitated, frustrated, it’s hard to make decisions, I feel stuck and there’s a lot of fear about moving forward. Here’s a few tips to consider: • When it comes to sleeping: stay focused within yourself. Run through your seven chakras. • Notice the parts of

Find Your Own Freedom

JULY 2020 NEWSLETTER What a time of growth for us all this year – hopefully we can look at our lives and recognize the opportunities for expansion during this time.  Not saying its easy – just saying moving thru it all has definitely got its advantages in what we gain. We are designed by nature and culture to flourish in peace.  Its difficult to maintain a connection to the divine,

Find Your Own Freedom

JULY 2020 NEWSLETTER What a time of growth for us all this year – hopefully we can look at our lives and recognize the opportunities for expansion during this time.  Not saying its easy – just saying moving thru it all has definitely got its advantages in what we gain. We are designed by nature and culture to flourish in peace.  It’s difficult to maintain a connection to the divine,

June 2020

So much input on what to do how to do it…who is right and who is wrong… Just listen to the news and it can send your mind racing. Suddenly, you begin with a great deal more thinking than you thought possible – or maybe you are not even noticing how much the mind is racing with thoughts until you bring attention to the endless stream of information.  With all the

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